Abstract Details

Name: Ram Kesh Yadav
Affiliation: National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
Conference ID: ASI2020_380
Title : Properties of an Embedded Cluster in the HII Region Sh2-228: Physical Environment and Star Formation
Authors and Co-Authors : Ram Kesh Yadav, M. R. Samal, A. K. Pandey, Saurabh Sharma
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We make use of multiwavelength observations to characterize stellar content of the embedded cluster CC01 associated with the HII region Sh2-228. The cluster is an interesting object as it is believed to be more massive than the nearby Orion Nebula cluster. Therefore, it is a potential candidate to understand the formation and evolution of the massive (>1000 M) clusters in molecular clouds. The massive stellar content of the cluster, physical conditions of the large-scale interstellar medium in its vicinity and properties of the ionized gas has been explored using the optical spectroscopic, radio continuum and Herschel archival observations. Combining these observations, we constrain the physical properties of this cluster and investigate the influence of its massive member stars on the surrounding medium. We discuss the evidence of second generation star formation happening adjacent to the HII region.