Abstract Details

Affiliation: U.R.Rao Satellite centre, Bengaluru.
Conference ID: ASI2020_549
Title : Broadband X-ray view of 2019 outburst of MAXI J1348-630: MAXI, Swift, NuSTAR and AstroSat results
Authors and Co-Authors : S. A. Kiranmai [1], Ravishankar. B. T [1], Sreehari. H [1,2], V. K. Agrawal [1], Samir Mandal [3], Anuj Nandi [1]. [1] Space Astronomy Group, ISITE campus, U. R. Rao Satellite Centre, Bengaluru – 560037. [2] Department of Physics, of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru – 560012. [3] Department of Earth & Space Sciences, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram – 695547.
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : MAXI J1348-630 is a new Black Hole X-ray binary detected by MAXI/GSC on Jan 26, 2019. This source has been extensively covered by MAXI along with intermittent observations by NuSTAR, Swift, NICER, Insight and AstroSat. It is evident from the MAXI lightcurve and the HID that the primary outburst follows the typical Q-profile, with state transitions from hard state towards soft state. The secondary peak which occurs subsequent to the primary prominent outburst in the light curve remains in the hard state. A low frequency QPO with centroid frequency of 0.71 +/- 0.01 Hz in the energy band of 25.0 – 100.0 keV has been detected with Insight/HXMT observations in the rising phase. Our preliminary spectral analysis with NuSTAR data indicates that the spectral index of the outburst is about 1.6 in the rising phase. Extensive analysis, broadband spectro-temporal results over 0.3 – 80.0 keV energy range from NuSTAR, Swift and AstroSat data will be presented. The results will also be discussed in the context of two component advective flow.