Abstract Details

Name: Kshitij Bane
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Conference ID: ASI2020_71
Title : Development of radio antenna array and receiver system for observations of Pulsars at Low Radio Frequencies
Authors and Co-Authors : Kshitij Bane, R Ramesh, C Kathiravn, Indrajit V. Barve, GVS Gireesh
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : A pulsar is a highly magnetized rapidly rotating neutron star. Weighing more than our Sun, yet only about 20 km in diameter, these incredibly dense objects produce radio beams that sweep the sky like a lighthouse. Pulsars provide a wealth of information about neutron star physics, general relativity, gravitational waves, interstellar medium, celestial mechanics, planetary physics and even cosmology. However, observations of Pulsars at Low Radio frequencies (<100 MHz) are limited. The goal of this project is to build a dedicated radio telescope operating at Low radio frequencies with suitable digital back-end receiver for observations of pulsars with high spectral and temporal resolution.