Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2020_35
Title : Modelling and Characterization of Exoplanet Atmosphere
Authors and Co-Authors : Soumya Sengupta
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : The study of Extra-solar planets (commonly known as Exoplanets) is an emerging field from the first discovery of 51 pegasi-b in 1995 (Mayor & Queloz 1995). Till now more than 4000 Exoplanets have been discovered, but we have very less knowledge about their atmosphere. To study the atmosphere, we need to know their atmospheric temperature-pressure profile, chemical composition etc in great details. Using those informations, we can model the theoretical synthetic spectra for the exoplanetary atmosphere and match with the observed data taken by different telescopes. In this work, we study the atmosphere for Hot Jupiters (Jupiter like planets orbiting below 0.1 AU distance from their host stars) by modelling their Emission spectrum. For this purpose, we use online available Non-Grey (Parmentier et al. 2015) code to generate the vertical temperature-pressure profile. For atmospheric chemical composition and their absorption co-efficient as well as scattering co-efficient, we use HITRAN database passes through Exo-Transmit code (Kempton et al. 2016). Using these as inputs, we run our code to solve the radiative transfer equation using Discrete Space Theory (Peraiah et al. 1971) and generate thermal emission spectra for different hot jupiters. Finally we matches our modelled spectra with the already available data for the hot jupiter HAT-P-32b observed by Spitzer and HST. The matching of the modelled spectra within the errobars has varifies our results as well as our radiative tranfer code. We are planning to continue this study for emission spectra as well as transmission and reflection spectra, and hope to give some targets for future exoplanet atmospheric observations.