Abstract Details

Name: Divya Pandey
Affiliation: National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Conference ID: ASI2020_429
Title : Multiwavelength analysis of galaxies present in Bootes Void
Authors and Co-Authors : Divya Pandey, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela \\ Kanak Saha, IUCAA, Pune \\ Ananta C. Pradhan, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : Bootes void appears to be one of the largest void in the universe $\sim$ 60 Mpc across with mean redshift $\sim$ 0.05. Previous studies suggests that galaxies in voids are star forming, bluer and slowly evolving as compared to field galaxies. We have done multi-wavelength analysis of the galaxies present in Bootes void region using proposed ASTROSAT/UVIT observation aided with SDSS and 2MASS archival imaging data. Analysis based on ultra-violet (UV), optical and infrared colors reveal that most of the galaxies present in Bootes void region are blue and highly star forming. On further investigation, two galaxies were found to be present inside the void along our field of view ($\sim$ 28’). One of which appears to be at intermediate stage of evolution i.e. a green valley galaxy while the other belongs to the blue cloud galaxy based on SDSS galaxy bimodality contour. Far-UV star formation rate (SFR) of void galaxies was calculated to be 0.8 (M\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} yr$^{-1}$). Further investigation of these galaxies i.e. SED fitting, isophotal profile fitting is under progress. On a broader perspective, our interest is to derive the mass limit, UV luminosity function and determine structural constraints of void galaxies to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies based on environment.