Abstract Details

Name: Ruchi Pandey
Affiliation: S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Conference ID: ASI2020_460
Title : Spectral Modelling of a Dust Forming Nova
Authors and Co-Authors : Ruchi Pandey^1, Ramkrishna Das^1, Gargi Shaw^2 ^1S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India ^2Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Classical novae (CNe) outbursts are the result of the triggered thermonuclear runaway on the surface of the white dwarf in a closed binary star system. Out of a large number of novae discovered, a few have been found to form dust in the ejecta, in spite of having an extreme, hostile environment produced by the white dwarf for the formation and condensation of dust and molecules. The event of formation and destruction of dust grains in the ejecta takes place within a few days to ~40 days. This gives a better opportunity to understand the evolution of astrophysical dust grains and their properties in a short timescale. As a part of this work, we have studied V1280 Sco, an optically thick dusty nova, using the photoionization modelling of the optical and NIR spectra. We used the photoionization code CLOUDY c17.00 for modelling observed spectra before and during dust formation. We generated several spectra by varying associated parameters. From the best fit model, we estimated various parameters, viz., the temperature and luminosity of the central compact object, density and size of ejecta, evolution of elemental abundances as ejecta expand.