Abstract Details

Name: Raksha S
Affiliation: CHRIST ( Deemed to be University)
Conference ID: ASI2020_51
Title : Characterization of young stars in nearby moving groups
Authors and Co-Authors : Raksha S, Sreeja S. Kartha, Blesson Mathew, Ujjwal Krishnan
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Nearby young moving groups are sparse, gravitationally unbound stellar associations comprising a few dozens of stars scattered within ∼ 100 pc of the Sun, with ages ranging from 5 – 100 Myr. A moving group cannot be identified by stellar over density against the background stars, as in the case of star clusters. Stars in moving group share common properties such as age, chemical composition, distance and kinematics. Having precise values of parallax, proper motion and radial velocity are important to identify and confirm the co-moving stars. We used Gaia DR2 data to characterize the kinematic properties of a sample of moving group candidates belonging to six moving groups – AB Doradus, β Pictoris, Cha Near, η Cha, Tucana- Horologium and TW Hydrae Association. The dispersion in the distance and proper motion of the members in each of the moving groups is estimated from Gaia DR2 data analysis. The motivation for this study is due to the fact that many nearby young stars are not part of any moving group, which is quite unusual. Using the dispersion estimates of proper motion in right ascension and declination, we analyze whether such stars are part of any new moving group. In addition, we evaluated the young nature of these moving group stars using the photometric data from Gaia DR2 and spectroscopic information available in literature.