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Abstract Details
Name: Susmita Jana Affiliation: IIT Bombay Conference ID: ASI2021_124 Title : Constraints on the non-minimal coupling of Electromagnetic fields from astrophysical observations Authors and Co-Authors : Susmita Jana(IIT Bombay), Shankaranarayanan S(IIT Bombay) Abstract Type : Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology Abstract : Strong gravity regions, like the neighborhood of black holes or neutron stars, can induce non- minimal couplings between electromagnetic fields and gravity. In these regions, gravitational fields behave as a non-linear medium in which the electromagnetic fields propagate. For a system of mass M and size L, the surface potential scales as M/L. Pulsar timing array, Double pulsar Shapiro delay, and Event horizon telescope probe that largest surface potentials [10 −4 − 10 −2 ]. With many future experiments, it is possible to constrain the non-minimal coupling between electromagnetic fields and gravity. As a step in this direction, we consider the non-minimal coupling of electromagnetic EM field tensor through Riemann and Ricci tensors. The non-minimal coupling leads to a modified dispersion relation of photons, leading to a different photon arrival time for the two polarizations. We compare the analytical results with the current astrophysical observations to constraint the non-minimal coupling parameters to Riemann and Ricci tensors. |