Abstract Details

Affiliation: National Institute of Technology Calicut
Conference ID: ASI2021_153
Title : Evidence for Torsional Motion and Short-Period Oscillations in a Solar Prominence
Authors and Co-Authors : Jain Jacob P.T.(National Institute of Technology Calicut) and R.A. Maurya(National Institute of Technology Calicut)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : Solar prominences are consist of hot ionized gases embodied over magnetic field lines anchored into the photosphere and extended to coronal heights. We have studied the dynamical properties of a large scale prominence using high-resolution observations provided by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard Solar Dynamical Observatory (SDO) and Interface Region Imaging Spectroscopy (IRIS). Using time-slices of intensity images across the prominence legs and Local Correlation Tracking (LCT) of SDO/AIA observations, we investigated torsional motions in one of the prominence legs. That leg of the prominence exhibit clockwise rotation followed by an anti-clockwise movement indicating torsional motion. We found large scale rotation confirmed by the blue and redshift in the Doppler velocities in the prominence's upper part. To study the oscillatons within the prominence structure, we constructed the power spectrum using IRIS slit-jaw imaging observations of Mg II k 2796Å and Si IV 1394Å. The wavelet analysis also showed the oscillatory motion of 7-11 minutes, which may be associated with Alfven waves propagating along magnetic flux tubes.