Abstract Details

Name: Abhinav Prasad
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University
Conference ID: ASI2021_206
Title : Role of Heating cooling imbalance in Non-Adiabatic solar coronal loops.
Authors and Co-Authors : Abhinav Prasad (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi), Abhishek K. Srivastava (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi), Tongjiang Wang (The Catholic University of America and NASA Goddard Space flight Centre)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : We study the damping of standing slow MHD waves in solar coronal loops by deriving a new dispersion relation taking into account the effect of thermal conductivity, viscosity, radiative cooling and heating cooling imbalance. We systematically solved the dispersion relation and provided a comprehensive study for a wide range of loop parameters viz., density, temperature, loop length. The role of thermal conductivity was found to be dominant for a wide range of loops, however, viscosity became dominant for super-hot (T=20-30MK) and short loops (L=50Mm). Heating cooling imbalance enhanced the damping by thermal conductivity for Long (L=500Mm) and Hot loops (T<10MK) whereas it did not play significant role in super-hot regime of loops. In the case of shorter loops at the super-hot regime of the temperature, the increment in the loop density enhanced the damping of the fundamental modes due to thermal conductivity when the viscosity is absent, however, when the compressive viscosity is added the increase in density substantially weakens the damping. We also gave a new scaling law for the damping time and period which matched quite closely with the SUMER/SDO observations and heating cooling imbalance brought the theoretical data points closer to the observations in comparison to the case with constant background heating.