Abstract Details

Affiliation: PhD Scholar (Department Of Astronomy, Osmanina University)
Conference ID: ASI2021_258
Title : Possible period variations and detection of third bodies in contact binaries using Kepler and ASAS data
Authors and Co-Authors : Mamatha Rani, G. and Sriram, K.
Abstract Type :
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We studied contact binary systems which go through a phase of mass transfer from primary to secondary or vice versa. Contact binaries are a class among binaries which has the lowest angular momentum and least understood in terms of their evolution. We collected the data of contact binaries from Kepler K2 (campaign 15) and ASAS survey. We found few tens of contact binaries which have lightcurves in both ASAS and K2 database whose periods are in the range of 0.2 to 1.5 d. We studied the lightcurves of selected contact binaries and their O-C diagrams which included the times of minima of Kepler’s K2 mission and ASAS database. Seven of them are showing increasing trends i.e. period is increasing, 3 are showing decreasing trends i.e period is decreasing and remaining are not showing any systematic variations. We derive the mass transfer rate and period change of these binaries and study their evolution. We also show the possible detection of third bodies in these systems and derive their orbital binary parameters.