Abstract Details

Affiliation: CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
Conference ID: ASI2021_348
Title : A Spectroscopic study of Herbig Ae/Be stars identified from LAMOST DR5
Authors and Co-Authors : Nidhi Sabu [CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore], Blesson Mathew, [CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore], Arun Roy, [CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore], Shridharan Baskaran, [CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore]
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBe) are intermediate-mass (2-10 M⊙) pre-main sequence (PMS) stars, which are found in the early evolutionary phases with spectral type ranging from late O type till F5. The presence of emission lines in its spectrum and IR excess confirms a gaseous-dusty circumstellar disk around the star. HAeBe stars have been vastly studied for its photometric nature while very few studies are there in literature for its spectroscopic nature. A survey program was initiated with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) which assimilated millions of spectra of stars over a period of time. We made use of the infrared-optical photometric data and the spectroscopic data from the LAMOST to identify HAeBe stars in the Galaxy. In the present study, we identified new HAeBe stars, which are not yet reported in the literature. Some of these are in the Galactic anti-center direction which is a less explored region in HAeBe research. For the majority of the sample, the stellar parameters are determined, allowing to estimate mass accretion rates of HAeBe stars and compare it with existing literature values. Also, a major analysis on the optical-emission line data of the sample is done which opens a window to study the emission line mechanism of HAeBe stars.