Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2021_39
Title : Testing Dense Gas Star Formation Relations in the Outer Milky Way
Authors and Co-Authors : Sudeshna Patra (IISER Tirupati), Neal J. Evans (University of Texas, Austin), Jessy Jose (IISER Tirupati), Kee-Tae Kim (KASI, South Korea), Mark Heyer (UMASS Amherst), Swagat R. Das (IISER Tirupati), Manash R. Samal (PRL, Ahmedabad), Jens Kauffmann (Haystack Observatory MIT)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Studying star formation in the outer part of the Milky Way (galactocentric radius > 8.5 kpc) is an excellent way to study the early phase of galaxy evolution and properties of dwarf galaxies in a zoomed way since the environmental conditions are more or less the same. The Milky way gives the best landscape to study the effects of low metallicity and low gas surface density in star formation as it has a metallicity gradient, which decreases with increasing Galactocentric distance. We are leading a large scale observational survey of star-forming regions in the outer Milky Way intending to understand the role of environmental conditions (such as metallicity and Galactocentric distance) on the outcome of the star formation process such as star formation rate (SFR), star formation efficiency (SFE), initial mass function (IMF) etc. We present the results obtained from analysis of dense molecular line tracers (HCN (1-0) and HCO+(1-0)) along with other tracers like millimeter continuum emission (1.1 mm), extinction derived from 13CO, and dust continuum data from Herschel for star-forming regions located in the outer Galaxy, with a broad science goal to understand the star formation activities in them.