Abstract Details

Name: Arpan Ghosh
Affiliation: Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
Conference ID: ASI2021_451
Title : Initial Spectroscopic results of sa sample of FUOrs as obtained from the TANSPEC and ADFOSC intruments mounted on 3.6m DOT.
Authors and Co-Authors : Arpan (ARIES), Saurabh Sharma (ARIES), D K Ojha (TIFR), J P Ninan (PSU)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Recently, the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope has become operational providing medium resolution optical to Near Infra Red (NIR) spectroscopic facilites through TIFR ARIES Near Infrared Spectrometer (TANSPEC) and low resolution optical spectroscopic facility via ARIES Devasthal - Faint Object Spectrograph & Camera(ADFOSC). In the first observational run of 3.6m DOT we managed to observe a set of 5 FU Orionis objects using TANSPEC and ADFOSC. FU Orionis objects are low mass pre main sequence stars that undergo episodes of enhanced accretion separated by quiescent stages. Here, we present the initial spectroscopic results of the 5 FU Orionis objects observed with 3.6m DOT. We will report the accretion rates, the disc turbulence parameters, the outflow parameters and the presence/absence shock regions as observed for these sample of sources.