Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2021_47
Title : Optical Fourier Transform and its application in low latency LIGO data analysis
Authors and Co-Authors : Srinath Patti and R. Sridharan (Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a ubiquitous tool in many signal analysis applications. It is also an essential part of the low latency (online) LIGO data analysis algorithms. These algorithms find a correlation between the incoming gravitational wave (GW) signal (if present) and the templates using the matched filters. Currently, the LIGO data computing system uses several processor cores for parallel computing of thousands of GW templates. This step includes a computing algorithm for the correlation by utilizing electronic devices like GPUs and CPUs. Each such computation would involve an FFT operation. Several studies have demonstrated that that Optical Fourier Transform (OFT) is faster than digital FFT. It would be advantageous to use optical computing methods wherever they provide higher speeds than electronic counterparts. Implementation of OFT could improve the GW signal detection speed, which could expedite trigger generation for Electromagnetic (EM) wave follow-up observations and thereby achieve maximum science gain in Multi-messenger astronomy. In this talk, I would explore the feasibility of OFT, an optical signal processing tool, for enhancing the speed of FFT operation in low latency LIGO data analysis.