Abstract Details

Affiliation: TIFR Mumbai 400005
Conference ID: ASI2021_478
Title : Dark energy as a large scale quantum gravitational phenomenon
Authors and Co-Authors : T. P. Singh TIFR Mumbai
Abstract Type :
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : We make the case that dark energy is not a classical source, but rather the non-classical, quantum gravitational state of extremely light particles with wavelength of the order of Hubble radius. The presence of such particles is motivated by the holographic principle, which shows that the number of fundamental degrees of freedom in the universe far exceeds the number inferred from visible and dark matter. The energy associated with these Hubble scale particles effectively amounts to the source being a cosmological constant consistent with the observed value. Reference: Modern Physics Letters A35, 2050195 (2020) arXiv:1911.02955 [gr-qc]