Abstract Details

Name: Dr. Abhishek Johri
Affiliation: Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, C.G.
Conference ID: ASI2021_85
Title : Pulsar Flux Measuremenst using GMRT Data Archive
Authors and Co-Authors : Abhishek Johri (NIT, Raipur)
Abstract Type :
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Pulsars are exciting radio objects, Their radiation is present in a wide range of radio frequencies and their spectrum follows a power-law relation (Flux proportional to Energy^gamma : Gamma being the spectral index). Moreover, a handful of radio pulsars (known as Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum Pulsar) show turnover in the frequency range 600 MHz to 1 GHz. Therefore, in order to understand pulsar emission mechanism and GPS pulsars, accurate pulsar fluxes at multifrequency and multi-epoch are needed. Normally, at GMRT (run by NCRA-TIFR) pulsar flux observations are done in beam mode (phased and incoherent array mode) using which a folded pulsar profile can be obtained. Now, using this folded profile, pulsar fluxes can be calculated. However, at low frequencies significant amount of scattering present in the profile makes the pulsar fluxes quite unreliable. However, more accurate pulsar fluxes can be obtained using interferometric observations (pulsar being point objects at GMRT frequencies). At GMRT, along with beam mode, interferometric data is also recorded for pulsar observations which are available for free download. We demonstrate an automated method of extracting pulsar fluxes at several GMRT frequencies and at different epochs using GMRT Data Archive.