Abstract Details

Name: Chandra Shekhar Murmu
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Conference ID: ASI2021_377
Title : Towards quantifying the Light-cone effect for EoR CII Line Intensity Mapping experiments
Authors and Co-Authors : Mr. Chandra Shekhar Murmu(IIT Indore), Dr. Suman Majumdar(IIT Indore), Dr. Kanan Kumar Datta(Presidency University)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : One of the major goals of modern cosmology is to probe and understand the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization (CD-EoR). Various proposed techniques to do so includes probing the neutral hydrogen (HI) of early intergalactic medium (IGM) via 21 cm signal, and probing the early galaxies from EoR through a technique called Line Intensity Mapping (LIM). The CII line is one of the best tracers of early galaxies and many LIM experiments (e.g. CONCERTO) will probe the EoR via observation of the CII line. The properties of the signal obtained, will vary with the observed frequency (across the line of sight), which is otherwise known as the light-cone effect. One of the major goals of this proposed work is to quantify this light-cone effect with respect to various statistics, e.g. the power-spectrum, for future CII LIM experiments. Choosing an optimal bandwidth for estimating the target statistics from LIM experiments is crucial in order to minimize the effect of light-cone on the target signal statistics. Accurate simulations of light-cone boxes from CII maps is thus an indispensable tool to put constraints on the chosen bandwidth. Other quantities of interest relevant to CII LIM are the 21 cm-CII cross-correlations. We plan to analyse the light-cone effect on these cross-correlation studies as well in a similar fashion.