Abstract Details

Name: Aditya Pandya
Affiliation: Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune-04
Conference ID: ASI2021_460
Title : Galaxy Rotation Curve of Milky-Way & its Structure
Authors and Co-Authors : Aditya Pandya(Fergusson College, Pune), Chinmay Sangavadekar(Fergusson College, Pune), Prabhanjan Kulkarni(Fergusson College, Pune), Viren Mandaogane(Fergusson College, Pune)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : The Green Bank Observatory was remotely used to Observe the doppler spectrum of the 21 cm hyperfine line of interstellar medium from galactic longitude 0° to 235° in the galactic plane of the Milky Way galaxy. The galactic data is used to plot the velocity curve of the galaxy as the function of the radius using the tangent point method. The results are compared with previously plotted curves with different galactic constants Ro & Vo. [Burton and Gordon (1978), Clemens (1985), Sofue et al. (2009), McGaugh et al. (2018)] respectively. The obtained galactic data from the rotation curve is used to construct some features of the spiral arm structure of the Milky Way and various boundary conditions involved in the method are discussed.