Abstract Details

Name: Suvedha Naik
Affiliation: Manipal Centre of Natural Sciences, Centre of Excellence, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka-576 104
Conference ID: ASI2021_57
Title : Particle productions in large field inflation models based on dimensional (de)construction and observational imprints
Authors and Co-Authors : Suvedha Suresh Naik (Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education), Kazuyuki Furuuchi (Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : We propose inflation models based on the dimensional (de)construction of massive gauge theory. “Zero mode” of a component of the gauge field in (de)constructed extra dimension is identified as inflaton in this model. In the low energy effective theory, the field range of the inflaton was enhanced by a factor Nd/2, where N is the number of lattice points in each (de)constructed extra dimension and d is the total number of extra dimensions, achieving trans-planckian inflaton field excursion. The burst of particle productions in these models may result in features in primordial density perturbations, which we constrain using the latest CMB data. References: 1. Furuuchi, K. (2016). Excursions through KK modes. JCAP, 1607(07):008.  2. Furuuchi, K., Naik, S. S., and Jobu, N. J. (2020a). Large Field Excursions from Dimensional (De)construction. JCAP, 06:054.  3. Furuuchi, K., Jobu, N. J., and Naik, S. S. (2020b). “Extra-Natural Inflation (De)constructed,” [arXiv:2004.13755 [hep-th]].