Comet NEOWISE 2020 Photography Contest

ASI-POEC celebrated the visit of the Comet NEOWISE in July-August 2020 with a number of outreach activities throughout India. As a part of this, a themed Astro-Photography Competition was organised to draw people to the beauty of the breathtaking comet as well as the night sky and astronomy and the joy of capturing it in […]

Comet NEOWISE 2020 Credit : Philippe Jacquot

Comet NEOWISE C/2020 F3

  This visitor to our neighbourhood is currently making the news, as it offers breathtaking views now in the dawn evening skies across the Northern Hemisphere. Called C/2020 F3 in the astronomical circles, it is a non-periodic comet which was the third discovered in late March 2020 by the space telescope instrument NEOWISE (hence the […]

Pic: Bohringer Friedrich

Total Lunar Eclipse – Sharing your event

Total Lunar Eclipse – 31 January 2018 – Sharing your event “Super Moon – Blue Moon – Blood Moon – Copper Moon – Eclipse” A nationwide, crowd-sourced event, co-ordinated by ASI-POEC, aims to make it easier for everyone to find their nearest place where some knowledgable person is showing the Eclipse. The events map will […]

Zero Shadow Day

The POEC has created and collected useful resource material on the Zero Shadow Day. For a given place below +23.5 degrees latitude in India, this occurs when the Sun is exactly overhead and hence casts no shadow on a vertical object. This occurs twice a year, once during Uttarayan and once during Dakshinayan. For more […]

Transit of Mercury 2016 – Sharing your event

Featured image © ESO 2013 We thank everyone who was a part of the sharing of the Transit of Mercury – a nationwide, crowd-sourced event co-ordinated by ASI-POEC. The events map will give you a good idea of the coverage. The ASI-POEC is proud to be associated with all of you in making this an […]