Former Members of ASI-WGGE

​Prajval Shastri

is an astrophysicist, who was a faculty at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, for 23 years. Her core research interest is empirical investigations of giant black holes in the centres of distant galaxies. She believes that nurturing learning environments pave the way towards  excellence. Acutely aware of her privilege of being paid to be fascinated by the universe, she is continually amazed that the amateur astronomers often stand out as the impassioned ones. She has been engaging publicly and in academic settings with the issue of gender inequity in the astrophysics profession since 2007.

Kuntal Misra

is an astronomer at Aryabhatta Research Institute of observational sciencES (ARIES), Nainital.  Her research focuses on cosmic transients of wide variety like Supernovae,  Gamma Ray Bursts and electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Waves.  ​

Nissim Kanekar

is an astronomer at the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune. His research interests are in galaxy formation and evolution, the interstellar medium in galaxies, and using astronomical phenomena to test fundamental physics.

H. K. Jassal

is a faculty member in Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali. Her research interest is to study theoretical and observational aspects of dark energy. She has been a warden in her Institute and has been closely involved in working on issues related to female students and related to support/house keeping staff in hostels. She helped in organising the first formal gender session in ASI meeting in 2014.

Ritaban Chatterjee

is an assistant professor at the Department of Physics, Presidency University Kolkata. His research interest is centered on the inflow and outflow around super-massive black holes. He strives to be aware of various conscious and unconscious bias against the under-represented in academia and aspires to advance this awareness among the communities he belongs to. Being a multi-wavelength astronomer and a teacher in the university, Ritaban constantly tries to tune his "wavelength" in order to communicate better with the students. He hopes the new generation to grow up with more awareness and empathy for all sorts of "otherness" in their communities.

Sushan Konar

is a faculty member at NCRA-TIFR, Pune. Her area of specialization is Theoretical Astrophysics (Compact Objects).

Kshitija Kelkar

is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore. Her main area of research includes understanding how galaxies evolve in their environments. She is also active in science popularisation and making astronomy accessible to general public.

Niruj M.Ramanujam

is a radio astronomer by training, and is a scientfiic officer at NCRA-TIFR in Pune. He used to work on star formation in starbursts and quasars and currently works on radio interferometery algorithms and pipelines. His interests in astronomy outreach are in design, implementation and evaluation of national astronomy campaigns, creating resource material for school students, and social media.

Dibyendu Nandi

is an Indian scientist acclaimed for his studies related to Solar Magnetic Cycle. He is associated with MSU, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and IISER Kolkata where he carried most of his research work.

Jasjeet Singh Bagla

is a professor, Physical Sciences at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali. His research focus is mainly in Galaxy Formation, Cosmological Simulations.

Resmi Lekshmi

is faculty member at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram. Her broad areas of interest are High Energy Astrophysics, Radiation processes in astrophysical contexts, Relativistic sources, X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy.