Parallel Sessions on 4th March 2023

Saturday, 4th March 2023
[Time: 11:30 – 13:00]    [Venue: Auditorium]
Stars, ISM and the Galaxy III  [Chairperson: Narendranath Patra & Sharanya Sur]
Speaker Title Time
Projjwal Banerjee Constraining R-process Nucleosynthesis Using 129I and 247Cm in the Early Solar System 11:30
Shubham Singh Revealing a missing population of long-period pulsars with the GMRT 11:40
Arpan Ghosh Spectroscopy of eruptive young variables using TANSPEC 11:50
Anusree K G Hard X-ray pulsars: A Picture from AstroSat-CZTI 12:00
Firoza Sutaria A soft x-ray survey of the Cygnus loop with Astrosat. 12:10
Anirban Dutta Probing the accretion physics of a unique magnetic cataclysmic variable Paloma using X-ray broadband study 12:20
Manoj Puravankara Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA) across the Mass Spectrum: First results from the JWST Cycle 1 program 12:30
Manoneeta Chakraborty Burst–disk interaction in neutron star low mass X-ray binary 4U 1636–536 12:40
Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee Turbulent Multiphase ISM: Direct Comparison of Observations and Simulations 12:50

Saturday, 4th March 2023
[Time: 11:30 – 13:00]    [Venue: 1D-105]
Extragalactic Astronomy III  [Chairperson: Neeraj Gupta]
Speaker Title Time
Ashwani Pandey Detection of minute-timescale gamma−ray variability in BL Lacertae by Fermi-LAT 11:30
Souradeep Bhattacharya Uncovering the recent major merger in the Andromeda galaxy from Planetary Nebulae kinematics 11:40
Sipra Hota Shell region in the North-Eastern Small Magellanic Cloud: Star formation history and kinematics using UVIT/AstroSat and Gaia 11:50
Mohit Bhardwaj Deciphering the origins of FRBs using local Universe CHIME/FRB discoveries 12:00
Gourab Giri Understanding the origin of peculiar jetted winged galaxies using multiwavelength modelling 12:10
Ashu Kushwaha A viable model to explain the Fast radio burst using the Gertsenshtein-Zel'dovich effect 12:20
Sandeep Kataria Importance of Dark matter Angular momentum distribution on Bar Secular Growth Evolution in Milky Way-type disks. 12:30
Mamta Gulati Dependence of evolution of gas content in disc galaxies on ram pressure. 12:40
Nilanjana Nandi The dynamical lineage of ultra-diffuse galaxies: Are they similar to dwarf irregulars or low surface brightness galaxies? 12:50

Saturday, 4th March 2023
[Time: 11:30 – 13:00]     [Venue: L01]
Sun and the Solar System III  [Chairperson: S Seetha]
Speaker Title Time
Tuhin Ghosh Dynamical Instabilities in Multi-Planet Systems 11:30
Devojyoti Kansabanik Deciphering Faint Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Coronal Mass Ejection using Spectro-polarimetric Radio Imaging 11:45
Binal Patel On the triggering of homologous blowout jets and the jet-flare-CME connections 12:00
Nat Gopalswamy New insights into the origin of long-lived solar gamma-ray emission 12:15
Divya Oberoi

Augmenting Aditya-L1 Science with High Fidelity Radio Imaging


Saturday, 4th March 2023
[Time: 11:30 – 13:00]     [Venue: LRC-Ground Floor]
Instrumentation and Techniques III  [Chairperson: Archana Soam]
Speaker Title Time
Ashish Mahabal ZARTH to help catch ‘em young 11:30
Sujay Mate Searching for second-timescale radio transients with CHIME telescope 11:45
Akhil Jaini Slitless Spectrophotometry of Exoplanet Host Stars 12:00
Kapil Kumar PARAS-2; Indigenous Development of High Resolution Spectrograph 12:15
Parvathy M Instrumentation for Solar System objects in the context of exoplanets 12:30
Raghunathan Agaram Low Frequency Radio Telescope 12:45

Saturday, 4th March 2023
[Time: 11:30 – 13:00]    [Venue: L02]
General Relativity and Cosmology III  [Chairperson: Mahavir Sharma]
Speaker Title Time
Anagh Venneti Study of correlation between Tidal Deformability and Nuclear Matter Parameters 11:30
Rashmi Sagar Probing the Epoch of Reionization using uGMRT with deep field observations in Band-2 11:45
Sagnik Chatterjee A Neural Network Approach To Study The Speed Of Sound In Neutron Stars 12:00
Avijit Chowdhury How a non-detectable mode can provide a hint of modified gravity? 12:15