At the meeting venue - The LOC is preparing to make standard poster boards available at the venue. Please bring along a physical poster (A0 size, portrait format) which you can put up at the poster display hall. The meeting schedule is really crowded and the lunch and tea break slots also serve as the slots for poster viewing. We request you to be near your posters for some of this time so that you can interact with the people interested in your work.
Printed poster format - Please limit your posters to A0 size portrait mode. Place the title of your paper and your name prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your paper. Highlight the authors’ names and contact information in case the viewer is interested in more information. Prepare text and figures such that they are sufficient to be read at a distance of 2 meters. Paragraph and figure captions should be at least in a 24-point font (0.9 cm height) and headers at least in a 36-point font (1.2 cm height).