Abstract Details

Name: Sandeep Kataria
Affiliation: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
Conference ID : ASI2023_205
Title : Importance of Dark matter Angular momentum distribution on Bar Secular Growth Evolution in Milky Way-type disks.
Authors : Sandeep Kumar Kataria and Juntai Shen
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : The dark matter halo properties, for example, halo spin, halo concentration, etc., play a significant role in the formation and evolution of bars in disk galaxies. This study highlights the importance of dark matter halo angular momentum distribution in the disk's central region. We experiment with N-body galaxy models having disk and dark matter similar to Milky Way-type galaxies. In these models, we vary the discontinuity of the angular momentum distribution of the halo by controlling the prograde to retrograde orbits contained by the total energy of individual orbits. Our N-body experiments suggest that bar forms after a few Gyr of disk evolution in all the models. However, in the secular evolution of the bar, as we evolve these models until 10 Gyr, the bar gains its strength in the model with the most continuous halo angular momentum distribution, and the bar losses strength for the most discontinuous halo angular momentum distribution. The secular evolution of bars suggests Box/Peanut/X-shaped bulges similar to those found in the Milky Way disk should be more pronounced in halos with continuous halo angular momentum distributions of halos.