Abstract Details

Name: Debangana Sarkar
Affiliation: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Conference ID : ASI2023_229
Title : MACE Online Telemetry Analysis : Software Design , Implementation & Results
Authors : D.Sarkar*, N Chouhan , S Norlha, K. Nand, R Thubstan, K K Yadav
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : In this era of Big Data, scientific experiments contribute to a large extent in the data generation process. Online analysis have become a need for the present day scenario to handle the data generation rate. Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment (MACE) Telescope is a 21m high energy gamma ray telescope located at Hanle , Ladakh. This telescope consists of several subsystems which generates varied data at different data rates . These subsystems also generate health data which needs to be continuously monitored for smooth operation of the telescope. Among these subsystems Camera Electronics & Data Acquisition is responsible for event data generation. The Camera telemetry parameters are continuously monitored and analyzed online during telescope operation. MACE Camera generates critical and routine telemetry data at an interval of 5 seconds and 1 minute respectively. These parameters are monitored instantaneously and a continuous statistics building of these parameters are done by the Online Telemetry Analysis Software. The analysis software provides a graphical user interface for visualization of the parameters like anode current, single channel rates, prompt coincidence rates, high voltage values over the period of time. Average of these parameters on module and channel basis is calculated and displayed on the user interface. The upper limit and lower limit of these values are configured for status monitoring. The software also implements communication module to interact with MACE Console Software over UDP protocol for receiving the data in real time. It is a Qt based software designed with object oriented paradigm following an incremental and iterative life-cycle model. The software is tested and installed at telescope site, Hanle. We present here the software features, GUI design, software implementation and testing results.