Abstract Details

Name: Chirag Chawla
Affiliation: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Conference ID : ASI2023_270
Title : Hunting down dormant compact-object binaries with Gaia
Authors : Chirag Chawla, Sourav Chatterjee, Katelyn Breivik
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Traditional methods such as detection through X-ray, radio, or gravitational-wave emission are sensitive only to a small subset of compact object (CO) binaries expected to form in nature. In my talk I will explore the exciting possibilities for detecting COs in detached binaries with luminous companions (LCs) via astrometric measurements with Gaia. With Gaia's third data release (DR3), several dormant CO candidates have been detected. I will discuss how well our predictions match with the recently detected dormant candidate CO properties. Finally, I will also explain why the DR3 candidates consist mainly of white dwarfs and neutron stars, but not black holes in large numbers as was predicted by several theoretical studies including ours.