Abstract Details

Name: Kazim Sayeed
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Indore
Conference ID : ASI2023_531
Title : Modelling Turbulence in Astrophysical Fluids
Authors : Kazim Sayeed, Bhargav Vaidya
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Turbulent flows are widespread in nature, appearing on length scales going from smoke emanating from incense sticks to plasma in intergalactic medium, and play a critical role in mixing, transport, and the creation of structures. In order to explain the structures observed, it is evident that Turbulence needs to be maintained or forced and decaying turbulence doesn't suffice our observations. Here, we integrate a module that induces turbulence into the PLUTO code for Astrophysical gas dynamics, which is a piece of software that is available for free distribution, has a structure that is both modular and adaptable, with highly scalable parallel processing. Using it's hydrodynamic solver with Viscosity, Magnetic fields, Resistivity one can simulate astrophysical environments and study the structures under supersonic turbulent conditions. The nature of forcing can be controlled in terms of how compressive the stirring mechanism is towards the gas. We have tested the forced turbulence module with different resolution, under different Reynolds number, and under different types of forcing(from purely rotational to purely compressive). We produce the normal velocity probability distribution function(PDF), the lognormal PDF of density, and the energy spectrum of supersonic turbulence which are in line with other simulations and the astrophysical environments of molecular clouds and the ISM. We shall add magnetic fields to the simulation and using ideal MHD (Magneto Hydro-Dynamics) see for the density structure alignments with the magnetic fields and velocity flows to comment more on the part nature of turbulence plays in these environments.