Abstract Details

Name: Chinmay Borwankar
Affiliation: Bhabha Atomic Research Center
Conference ID : ASI2023_535
Title : Crab nebula observations using MACE telescope
Authors : Chinmay Borwankar (on behalf of MACE telescope team)
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : MACE (Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment), an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACT) has been commisioned by the HiGRO collaboration at Hanle (altitude 4270m asl) in Ladakh region of North India. The telescope deploys 21m diameter tesselated light collector and has the distinction of being the second largest IACT in the northern hemisphere of the world. The telescope observes VHE gamma-rays from various astrophysical sources in wide energy band of 20 GeV – 5 TeV with high sensitivity. The Crab nebula has been known to be a steady VHE gamma-ray source and is used as a standard candle to calibrate the performance of an IACT. In this presentation, we report the VHE gamma rays observations from the Crab nebula, using the MACE telescope using the data collected during April 2021 to October 2022.