Name: | Ashish Mahabal |
Affiliation: | California Institute of Technology |
Conference ID : | ASI2023_546 |
Title : | ZARTH to help catch ‘em young |
Authors : | Dhruv Pindawala, Anika Arora, Ivona Kostadinova, Arnav Bhavsar, and the ZTF team
Mode of Presentation: | Oral |
Abstract Category : | Instrumentation and Techniques |
Abstract : | Zwicky Transient Facility detects and announces in real-time over hundred thousand transients and variables on every full night of observations. Multiple machine learning algorithms provide different types of classifications of these objects. We have designed a game, ZARTH, short for ZTF Augmentative Reality Transient Hunter, to bring a select set of nightly ZTF transients to the masses. It will be a layer on top of the open Sky Map app, and allows players to catch a variety of transients, somewhat like Pokemon Go, and compete with other players for best collections. At the same time, the players are able to learn about the nature of the transients, and through gamification aspects modeled after investments and returns also discover why astronomers consider certain types of transients to be more valuable or rare. ZARTH could also be easily adapted for STEM related activities in the classroom. We will describe and demo the game and encourage members to join and spread the word.