Abstract Details

Name: Vaishali R
Affiliation: Raman Research Institute
Conference ID: ASI2025_445
Title: Inference of our Local Motion from CMB Polarization - A Bayesian Approach
Authors: Vaishali R 1, Sayan Saha 1,2, Tarun Souradeep 1
Authors Affiliation: 1 Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru 2 North Eastern University, Boston, USA
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category: Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract: The dipole is the biggest fluctuation observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB). This is caused by the motion of our frame, the observer frame. The aberration and modulation of the CMB photons due to our motion also introduces violation of Statistical Isotropy(SI) which can be seen in the non-diagonal covariance matrix of the signal. The correlations in the adjacent multipoles can be elegantly quantified by the dipolar spectra of the Bipolar Spherical Harmonics(BipoSH). In this work the covariance matrix along with the signal is inferred using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo(HMC) method, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) algorithm. We first do this on a simulated map and then extend the analysis to polarization data maps. This work is a first step in exploring the violation of SI in CMB polarization.