Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do I get the receipt of Registration fees payment?

The receipt of payment will be available from the Conference website after login. This typically takes a few days after the payment is made, as we await confirmation from the bank.

I have paid the Registration fees. But my name still does not appear on the Registered participants list on the meeting website?

It usually takes about a week or so to verify and update the names after the Registration fees are paid. We request you to please wait for a week's time, and if the name still does not appear in the list, please send us an email.

I am doing PhD and getting financial support from a research Institution but receiving a degree from another University. Which Institution should I enter as an affiliation?

Please include your home research institution as your affiliation. 

Can I submit two abstracts?

As per SOC mandate, each participant can submit only one abstract.

Can a Master's student submit an abstract in Thesis Category?

No, the Thesis Category is for PhD theses.

I am pursuing an Undergraduate/Masters degree. Am I eligible to submit an abstract in other categories (except Thesis) for Poster / Oral presentation?


Can I attend or pay partial registration fees for attending the workshop only?

No, the workshop is part of the Conference although it is organized on the day prior to the start of the main Conference. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the entire conference for maximum benefit.

Regarding ASI support to a participant, can I get both Accommodation and Registration fee waiver?

No, we are providing one of the following based on the merit of the submitted abstract: ‘Accommodation’ or ‘Registration fee waiver’, in order to support the maximum number of participants. The option ‘Either’ is for those for whom any of these are acceptable.

Can I get travel support for attending the ASI-2025 meeting?

ASI is not providing travel support to participants for attending the ASI-2025 meeting.

I am not a PhD student, can I submit a recommendation letter through the support request form?

Your letter cannot be considered as the recommendation letter (from the supervisor) is only for the PhD students without any research scholarship. 

I have received a Registration fee waiver as support, when will the registration fees be reimbursed?

The registration fee will be reimbursed after the meeting.

I have received support from ASI but will not be able to attend the conference. Can this support be passed on to another person in the author list of my contributed abstract?

This is not permitted. If a person is not attending the conference then the support is withdrawn and passed on to another candidate as decided by the SOC and EC.

I have submitted my abstract. Can I pay the registration fees after the communication of abstract acceptance?

Yes, you can. However, the registration fees should be paid at the earliest after the communication of abstract acceptance, and before the early registration deadline (24 Dec 2024).

Can I wait till Communication of Support to participants and then pay the registration fee?

Yes, you can wait till the communication is sent out regarding support.  Even those receiving the registration fee support (waiver) are required to pay the registration fee before the early registration deadline (24 Dec 2024), and the fee will be reimbursed after the meeting.

Can I present the abstract (Talk/Poster) on someone else’s behalf or on the author’s behalf who is not attending the conference?

No. If the author who has submitted the abstract in the web portal is not attending the conference, an alternate author in the list is not permitted to present the paper.

How can I cancel the registration? Will there be any refund?

There is a cancellation form within your registration account of the ASI meeting. Please login and submit this form. If you cancel before a specific date(s),  there will be full or partial refund as per the cancellation policy mentioned on the website.

When will the amount be refunded if I cancel my registration?

The refund is initiated through the bank and usually takes some time, we should be able to process it definitely after the meeting.

When will I get the Participation Certificate for the Conference?

The soft copy of the certificate will be available on the website through the registration account on the Conference website after login. This will be available for download after the conference ends.