The following awards were presented during the concluding session of the ASI 2025 meeting on 19th February 2025.
Best Poster awards in the following categories.
1. Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
Poster title: Simulation of Multi Object High Resolution Transmission spectroscopy
Presented by: Bestha Manjunath from IIA Bangalore
2. Stars, Interstellar Medium, and Astrochemistry in Milky Way
Poster title: Numerical modelling of the molecular region towards Herschel 36
Presented by: Narendra Bhatkar from St. Xaviers College, Mumbai
3. High Energy Phenomena, Fundamental Physics and Astronomy
Best posters: (Jointly)
a)Poster Title - A Timing study of PSR J1840+1102: The Fastest GMRT-discovered Millisecond Pulsar
Presented by: Ayushi Shrivastava from NCRA-TIFR, Pune
b)Poster Title: Spectro-temporal Investigation of Quasi-periodic Oscillations from Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U
1630-472 Using NICER
Presented by: Manoneeta Chakraborty from IIT Indore
4. Galaxies and Cosmology
Poster title: Exploring the Diffuse Emission in Low-Mass Galaxy Cluster: A Multifrequency Approach
Presented by: Nasmi Anand from IIT Indore
5. Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
Poster title: DIOS: An Image Cleaning Method to Improve MACE Sensitivity
Presented by: Mani Khurana from BARC, Mumbai
6. Education, Outreach and Heritage
Poster title: Table Top Teaching Aid for Exoplanet Detection using Transit Photometry
Presented by: Antony Arupara from IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
JAA Best Poster Certificate
Two recipients
a)Poster title: Design, Fabrication, and Performance Analysis of a Wide-Field Camera for the VBT Prime Focus
Presented by: Nitish Singh, IIA Bengaluru
b)Poster title: Multi-Wavelength Structural Parameter Analysis for 8 million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey
Presented by: Milind Sarkar from IISER Mohali
K. D. Abhyankar Best presentation of thesis, awarded jointly to
Dr. Belinda Damian
Title: From stars to brown dwarfs: A journey through diverse star forming worlds
University/Institution of thesis work: CHRIST University, Bangalore
Dr. Vikas Soni
Title: The Effect of Metallicity and Vertical Mixing on the Abundance of Major H-C-N-O-bearing Species in the Atmosphere of Exoplanets
University/Institution of thesis work: PRL, Ahmedabad
The following ASI awards for the year 2024 were presented/announced during the Awards session on 16th February 2025 during ASI 2025 meeting.
1. ASI Govind Swarup Lifetime Achievement award - Prof. Prahlad C. Agrawal (formerly at TIFR)
2. ASI Zubin Kembhavi Award - Dr. B. S. Shylaja (JNP)
3. Laxminarayana & Nagalaxmi Modali Award - Dr. Nirupam Roy (IISc)
4. Professor M. K. Vainu Bappu Gold Medal -
Joint recipients
a) Dr. Anupam Bhardwaj (IUCAA)
b) Dr. Joe Philip Ninan (TIFR)
5. Justice Oak Award for Outstanding Thesis in Astronomy -
Joint recipients
a) Dr. Devojyoti Kansabanik (Thesis - NCRA-TIFR)
b) Dr. Aditya Vijaykumar (Thesis - ICTS-TIFR)
Honorable Mentions
a) Dr. Dimple (Thesis - ARIES)
b) Dr. Namita Uppal (Thesis - PRL)
6. ASI AstroSat Prize - Ms. Sipra Hota (IIA)
Honorable Mentions
a) Dr. Divya Pandey (Tartu Observatory - University of Tartu, ARIES Nainital)
b) Mr. Judhajeet Basu (IIA)
7. Young Astronomer Award for the Best Publication
Dr. Sindhu Satyavolu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Barcelona, Spain)
Honorable Mentions
a) Mr. Koshvendra Singh (TIFR)
b) Mr. Souvik Jana (ICTS-TIFR)