Poster No. |
Name |
Conference ID |
Affiliation |
Title |
Mode of Presentation |
Abstract Category |
24 Participants for Poster Presentation in Facilities, Technologies and Data science
FTDS-1 | Abhay Kumar |
ASI2025_638 |
INAF - Institute of Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS) |
Development of a 1-D position sensitive absorber for a Compton X-ray polarimeter |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-2 | Abhishek R |
ASI2025_703 |
FRB detection at low frequencies |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-3 | Akshay M S |
ASI2025_425 |
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology |
Studying cross-dispersion options for a near-infrared echelle spectrographs |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-4 | Akshaya V G |
ASI2025_588 |
Raman Research Institute |
RFSoC-based digital spectrometer for APSERa |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-5 | Amirul Hasan |
ASI2025_686 |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru |
Study of High-Efficiency Fore-Optics Design for the High-Resolution Optical Spectrograph (HROS) on the Thirty Meter Telescope |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-6 | Arijit Maiti |
ASI2025_207 |
Physical Research Laboratory |
On-sky Characterization of ProtoPol: a medium resolution echelle spectro-polarimeter for PRL telescopes |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-7 | Chaitanya Rajarshi |
ASI2025_36 |
IUCAA, Pune |
Design, assembly, integration, and laboratory testing of the WALOP-South Polarimeter |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-8 | Deekshya Roy sarkar |
ASI2025_321 |
Physical Research Laboratory |
Development of a Wide-Field Imager for telescopes at PRL Mt Abu Observatory |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-9 | Kapil Kumar |
ASI2025_617 |
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India |
Indigenous Innovations for Achieving Sub m/s Precision in High-Resolution Spectroscopy with PARAS-2 |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-10 | Karthic Kumar |
ASI2025_483 |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore |
Development of Metrology Station an XYZ gantry for the Sub Aperture Interferometer in Thirty Meter Telescope Project. |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-11 | Kevikumar A. Lad |
ASI2025_204 |
Mirror Coating Plant for PRL 2.5m Telescope |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-12 | Mahesh Dalavi |
ASI2025_325 |
India TMT Coordination Center, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore |
End Item Data Package Management System (EMS) for Thirty Meter Telescope. |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-13 | Mani Khurana |
ASI2025_228 |
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
DIOS: An Image Cleaning Method to improve MACE sensitivity |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-14 | Nikitha Jithendran |
ASI2025_630 |
Physical Research Laboratory |
Speckle Interferometry with speckle imager on PRL 2.5m telescope |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-15 | Nitish Singh |
ASI2025_125 |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bengaluru |
Design, Fabrication, and Performance Analysis of a Wide-Field Camera for the VBT Prime Focus |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-16 | Padmashree B |
ASI2025_1 |
test |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-17 | Prasanna Deshmukh |
ASI2025_341 |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics |
Integrated Modelling of 6.2m Wide-Field Telescope for Spectroscopic Survey. |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-18 | Sahana Bhattramakki |
ASI2025_708 |
Raman Research Institute |
FFT beamforming implimentation on RFSOC |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-19 | Shubhangi Jain |
ASI2025_271 |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics |
The FUV Imaging Satellite (FISAT) |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-20 | Somnath Dutta |
ASI2025_432 |
ASIAA, Taiwan |
Localization of fast radio bursts: An outrigger station of BURSTT-Taiwan at RRI-India |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-21 | Sonika Piridi |
ASI2025_34 |
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela |
The First Data Release of Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT DR1) |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-22 | Tsewang Stanzin |
ASI2025_625 |
IAO-IIA Hanle |
Development of a Customized Automatic Weather Station as an Auxiliary Instrument of the DIMM Seeing Monitor. |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-23 | Vishwajeet Swain |
ASI2025_733 |
IIT Bombay |
Rapid follow-up of gravitational wave events with a robotic meter-class optical telescope |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |
FTDS-24 | Vrishali Murudkar |
ASI2025_102 |
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
Simulation & optical design optimization studies for a proposed dual mirror Schwarzschild Couder Cherenkov Telescope at Hanle. |
Poster |
Facilities, Technologies and Data science |