List of Posters

39 Participants for Poster Presentation in Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
Poster No. Name Conference ID Affiliation Title Mode of Presentation Abstract Category
SSEA-1Aditya Jain ASI2025_611 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai Rossby wave instability and vortex properties in turbulent protoplanetary disks Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-2Anshu Kumari ASI2025_624 Physical Research Laboratory Spatial Fragmentation in Solar Flares Investigated through Radio Emission Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-3Arkaprova Dutta ASI2025_31 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Exoplanets Around Sub-Giant Stars Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-4Ashish Devaraj ASI2025_283 CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore Observational Evidence Contrasting the Linear PSD Model: Non-Linear Correlations of Solar EUV/FUV Radiation with Lunar Sodium Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-5Asif Mohamed Mandayapuram ASI2025_361 Space Applications Centre (ISRO) Simultaneous observations of elemental abundance evolution during solar flares using InspireSat-1 DAXSS and Chandrayaan-2 XSM Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-6Avinash Salguneswaran ASI2025_62 Christ University Updated Ephemeris of WASP-18 b and Investigation Into the Existence of WASP-18 c Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-7Ayanabha De ASI2025_539 Indian Institute of Astrophysics Detectability of Snow-lines in protoplanetary disks and photometric variation of directly imaged exoplanets using SCALES Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-8Bestha Manjunath ASI2025_451 Indian Institute of Astrophysics Simulation of High-Resolution Multi-Object Transmission Spectroscopy Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-9Bhupendra Kumar Tiwari ASI2025_63 Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, M. P. Study of solar activities associated with Cosmic Ray Modulation Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-10Deepan Patra ASI2025_610 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics An Automated Trigger for Solar Radio Bursts Imaging Observation using the Yamagawa spectrograph and the MWA Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-11Devang Agnihotri ASI2025_723 Indian Institute of Astrophysics Understanding Hanle effect in Ca I 4227 A line using magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the Solar atmosphere Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-12Devojyoti Kansabanik ASI2025_6840 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Heliopolarimetry: A Remote Sensing Observing Tool to Measure Magnetic Fields of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-13Divya Oberoi ASI2025_534 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Enabling Solar and Heliospheric Studies with a SKA-Mid precursor - MeerKAT Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-14Goldy Ahuja ASI2025_382 Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad Estimating the Nuclear Size of Long-Period Comets Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-15Karan Sahu ASI2025_177 National Institiute of Technology, Rourkela Solar coronal origin of solar wind periodic proton number density structures using PSP and STEREO Observations Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-16Lokesh Manickavasaham ASI2025_397 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Addressing Wavelength-Correlated Systematics in Exoplanet Transmission Spectroscopy: A 2D Gaussian Process Approach Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-17Madhu Kashyap Jagadeesh ASI2025_282 Saint Joseph's University (Re)-Defining Planets -- the Fundamental Planet Plane Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-18Mangesh Daspute ASI2025_576 Ariel University Machine Scientist for Understanding and Mitigating Stellar Activity in Exoplanet Detection Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-19Mayank Rajput ASI2025_544 National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha Metric Type II Radio Emission associated with Coronal Mass Ejections of Large Angular Widths: Some New Insights Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-20Pawan Kumar ASI2025_683 Patna University, Patna Parametric Study to Understand the Onset of Confined and Eruptive Flares Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-21Pooja Devi ASI2025_215 Kumaun University, Nainital Eruption of a quiescent filament and associated EUV loop contraction Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-22Pritam Das ASI2025_691 Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences Kinematics of CMEs in the Middle Corona Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-23Rahul Bandyopadhyay ASI2025_346 Universidad de Chile (Nucleo Milenio YEMS) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon abundances in T Chamaeleontis Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-24Raj Kumar ASI2025_291 Kumaun University Nainital Study of Solar Energetic Particles, their Source Regions and Associated CMEs during Solar Cycle 23-24 Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-25Ramesh Chandra ASI2025_217 Kumaun University, Nainital Filament Eruption and EUV Loop Dynamics Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-26Rohan Bose ASI2025_636 Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences Morphological Study of Polar Coronal hole Jets Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-27Sabarinath M D ASI2025_161 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Minor Element Mapping On Lunar Surface using CLASS Data Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-28Sankalp Srivastava ASI2025_349 Indian Institute of Astrophysics The relation between solar spicules and magneto-hydrodynamic shocks Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-29Saurabh Tripathi ASI2025_142 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru Investigation of Source Regions of Geo-effective Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-30SOUMIK KAR ASI2025_347 Physical Research Laboratory Simulating Temperature and Spectral Energy distributions in Protoplanetary Disks Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-31SOUMYARANJAN KHUNTIA ASI2025_240 Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore Investigating the Thermodynamics of CMEs and Insights From the Successive CMEs Driving the 11 May 2024 Great Geomagnetic Storm Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-32Souvik Das ASI2025_35 Tezpur University Analytic investigation of collective fluctuation dynamics in nonthermal solar plasmas Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-33Susanta Kumar Bisoi ASI2025_720 National Institute of Technology Rourkela Inner-heliospheric signatures of steadily declining solar magnetic fields and their possible implications Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-34Sushmita Deb ASI2025_421 Gauhati University Exploring the structural composition of habitable exoplanets Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-35Tisyagupta Pyne ASI2025_160 Visva-Bharati University The 10 pc Neighborhood of Habitable Zone Exoplanetary Systems: Threat Assessment from Stellar Encounters & Supernovae Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-36Trinesh Sana ASI2025_278 Physical Research Laboratory Effect of Solar Activity on The Lunar Plasma Environment Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-37Varghese Reji ASI2025_456 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai Modelling the vertical velocity gradient to disentangle stellar activity from exoplanet signal Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-38Vinod Chandra Pathak ASI2025_98 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai Characterizing Molecular Winds from Protoplanetary Disks: New Perspectives from JWST Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology
SSEA-39Wageesh Mishra ASI2025_513 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru Insights from Rarely Observed Slow Shocks in Solar Wind Poster Sun, Solar System, Exoplanets, and Astrobiology