The sky has fascinated humans for millennia. The stars on a dark night, the wandering planets, and the Moon’s changing face (or phase!) continue to captivate anyone who takes time to look up at night. Over the ages, all societies have formed patterns of constellations among stars, made up stories about them, followed the planets along their paths, measured their motions more and more precisely. In the modern times, we have even seen wonders like the craters of the Moon & the rings of Saturn though our backyard telescopes.
With increasing light pollution in cities and lack of information, many people have never spent time looking up. We would like to help encourage people to do so. Please feel free to download and print the monthly star maps. Every month we will also bring out a list of naked-eye objects as well as things to see with a pair of binoculars or a small telescope, and information about new visitors. Go outside and look up !
Star maps for this month
You can download star maps for October, both in colour as well as in black-and-white for your personal use.
We will update the links to these maps as the months go by, and archive the previous maps as well.
What is up in the sky this month ?
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We bring you detailed notes on what you can see in the night sky this month – the brightest stars and constellation visible to the naked eye as well as the bright nebulae and star clusters that can be seen with a pair of binoculars or a small telescope.
The stars that you see this month of October.
And of course, our solar system
Now that you know your way through the constellation, you are ready to find the planets in our Solar System, along with visiting comets and bright asteroids.
Solar system bodies this month.
Editor: Arvind Paranjpye
You can also find more exciting write-ups at his blog Sky Tonight