Abstract : | Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the energetic centres of massive galaxies
that are powered by mass accretion onto supermassive black holes. AGN are
expected to influence galaxy evolution through their outflows, which are
especially prominent at radio frequencies and through ionizing radiation
emitted from their accretion disks; this process is referred to as
`AGN feedback'. The vast majority of AGN are however ``radio-quiet'' and
have radio outflows that barely extend beyond their own host galaxies.
In this talk, I will present multi-frequency, multi-scale data on
small samples of RQ AGN and demonstrate that inspite of their smallness RQ
AGN influence the gas and thereby star-formation in their host galaxies
through their jets and act as agents of AGN feedback. I will also present
data showing that jet formation and propagation in AGN is complex and warrants
regular VLBI monitoring to fully understand jet physics in all AGN.