Abstract Details

Name: Avi Mudgal
Affiliation: St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
Conference ID : ASI2024_308
Title : Numerical Modelling of the Interstellar Medium Towards the Star Cluster NGC 6231
Authors : Avi Mudgal, Katherine Rawlins
Authors Affiliation: Avi Mudgal, Katherine Rawlins (St. Xavier's College, Mumbai - 400001, India)
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, Interstellar Medium, and Astrochemistry in Milky Way
Abstract : Detailed modelling of an H2 -bearing region using the spectral simulation code CLOUDY was performed. The chief aim was to present a self-consistent calculation of the thermal, ionization and chemical balance through numerical models and reproduce the observed column densities to derive the underlying physical conditions in the Galactic ISM towards the star cluster NGC 6231. The modelling inferred column density values of H 2 ground electronic state rotational levels (J = 0 – 7), CO, C I fine-structure states and relative populations of various elements reported in Marggraf et al. (2004) using spectra from Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). The best-fitting model concluded that the cloud was subjected to a strong UV radiation field (χ = 10 G_0 ) along with enhanced X-ray radiation and cosmic ray ionization rate. We find indications that the interstellar medium towards this star cluster could be an X-ray dominated region. The density, temperature and gas pressure in the absorbing region are also constrained, and they suggest that the cloud is cool and diffuse. Turbulent pressure is identified as a significant constituent of the total pressure that increases at the deeper end of the cloud. The various heating and cooling processes associated with the cloud are also studied. We compare our detailed model with that presented by Marggraf et al. (2004) and also investigate X-ray sources in the vicinity of the modelled interstellar region in order to corroborate our model.