Abstract Details

Name: Divya Pandey
Affiliation: ARIES Nainital
Conference ID : ASI2024_345
Title : Probing the star-formation activities of galaxies residing in void and filaments using AstroSat
Authors : Divya Pandey 1, Kanak Saha 2, Ananta C. Pradhan 3
Authors Affiliation: 1. Divya Pandey (Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Manora Peak, Nainital 263 001, India), 2. Kanak Saha (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Postbag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India), 3. Ananta C. Pradhan (Department of Physics and Astronomy, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha 769 008, India)
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Thesis
Abstract : Large Scale Structures (LSSs) of the cosmic web leave a characteristic imprint on the photometric and chemical properties of the constituent galaxies. The LSSs comprise clusters, groups, voids, and filaments. Apart from the environment, the stellar mass of galaxies also strongly influences galaxy evolution. The thesis aims to understand the intertwined effect of environment and stellar mass on galaxies residing in different LSSs. We primarily work with proposed Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT)/ {\it AstroSat} deep imaging observations. The imaging surveys cover small portions of a few LSSs, i.e., the voids and filaments situated $\sim$ 300 Mpc from us. We detected a number of void and filament galaxies in our survey. Combining multi-wavelength observations from optical to infrared wavelengths, we study star formation rates (SFRs), mass assembly, structure, and model spectral energy distribution of the detected sample. The void galaxies detected were mostly low-mass, showing a distinct blue shift in their color distribution compared to those in other environments. The global environment weakly impacts the ongoing star formation in the void galaxies. We detected a highly star-forming massive lenticular void galaxy in our sample. The galaxy hosts a low-luminosity AGN, which does not impact the ongoing central star formation. We deduce that the minor merger interaction enhances star formation in the void galaxy and perhaps aids bar formation. Our study on the filament galaxies confirms the influence of the environment on their recent specific SFRs, while no such effect impact on cluster galaxies was detected. We do not detect FUV emission in galaxies closer to the filament axis, possibly due to gas starvation. We uncover extended-UV emission in a few filament galaxies, raising the likelihood of cold-mode gas accretion. The mass-assembly mode of filament galaxies shows stronger dependence on their environment than stellar mass.