Abstract Details

Name: B S Shylaja S
Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, High Grounds, Bengaluru
Conference ID : ASI2024_356
Title : Search for records of historical supernovae from India
Authors : B S Shylaja
Authors Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Education, Outreach and Heritage
Abstract : The astronomical treatises have been searched for observational records of the historical supernovae. The Sanskrit works searched (Narlikar and Bhate, 2000) did not yield positive results. Our search continued with other resources. An astrolabe of 1604CE has the position clearly marked on the star dial. Two stone inscriptions provided indirect hints for the 1054 and 1572 events (Shylaja, 2019). Here we discuss the problems in understanding the earlier texts to identify instances of sudden brightening of stars. The names of the stars also pose identification problems as many of them have been renamed after the European texts, unaware of the earlier names that were in use earlier. The method adopted for providing the coordinates as well as the magnitude scale in the catalogues of pre-colonial period will be discussed with a couple of examples of possible eruption records.