Abstract Details

Name: Tridib Roy
Affiliation: PDRA1
Conference ID : ASI2024_952
Title : Probing magnetospheric property of pulsars from fundamental physics
Authors : Tridib Roy & Ramkrishna Das
Authors Affiliation: SN Bose National center for basic science, Kolkata 700106
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, Interstellar Medium, and Astrochemistry in Milky Way
Abstract : Pulsars are believed to be one of the most interesting objects in the universe. The emission mechanism of pulsars is still a conundrum to astrophysicists, as there is no completely reliable theory that can establish a consensus between theory and observation. Pulsars possess a gigantic magnetic field, to the order of 10^(12) Gauss to 10^(15), and generate a very powerful radio beam from the magnetic pole. However, the powerful radio beam is generated by some complicated coherent plasma processes and acceleration in the pulsar magnetosphere. The location of the origin of the radio waves has been predicted to come out exclusively from the polar cap zone, whose boundary is defined by the footprint of the last open field line. However, in this meeting, we mainly try to show the generation of the shape of the polar cap structure from an analytical solution and discuss how it gets distorted for different geometrical parameters due to the presence of perturbations such as rotation and polar cap current flow. Followed by it, we have tried to compare the result, with the force-free MHD simulation. Also, apart from that, we try to emphasize understanding the variation of radio emission height and polarization angle with respect to different geometry-related parameters as well as with frequency, as it has wider implication to deduce the altitude dependent polarization associated with the integrated pulse profiles.