“Seeing the Invisible” workshop at JNP, Bengaluru


A3 poster of Seeing Invisible

Learn about
– Hydrogen line and the history of Universe
– How to detect radio waves from celestial bodies ?
– How to ‘see’ hydrogen ?

Radio Astronomy ushered in a new era in our understanding of the universe. In the last decades it has evolved in to an exciting field covering solar system bodies to the farthest galaxies. The 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen (HI) is a promising tool for studying the evolution of the universe, from the dark ages to the present epoch.

The focus of the workshop is the understanding the detection and analysis of different sources in the universe. A demonstration of the operation of a radio telescope is included. This will be followed by lectures on the importance of the 21 cm signal in the context of study of galaxies, interstellar matter and the nearest star, the Sun.

The workshop is aimed at students and physics lecturers

Workshop organised by and at the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru
(In collaboration with Raman Research Institute and ASI-POEC)
Saturday, June 27, 2015

See poster for details


The event was successful.

Posted in Annoucements, Outreach events.

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