Looking for hiring highly motivated and bright postdoctoral candidates interested in different areas of Astrochemistry and Astrobiology, Interstellar Medium, Star and Planet formation, Radio/sub-millimeter/infrared astronomy, Exo-Planetary and Cometary Science, science case for SKA's Cradle of Life Consortium (band 6), Science case for future far-infrared missions such as SPICA, OST etc.
The candidate will have access to the IRAM-30m, ARO-12m, Nobeyama-45m, ALMA Cycle 6 and 7, SOFIA Cycle 7 data as well as NASA's JWST-MIRI guaranteed time observations.
PhDs with Physics/Astronomy & Astrophysics/Space Science/Planetary Science or relevant background may apply. Candidates with good scientific programming [e.g. Fortran, Python, IDL etc.], astronomical data analysis [e.g. Radio or Sub-mm or Infrared etc.] skills are highly encouraged.

Please contact me (liton@niser.ac.in) with your CV, research interest and statement addressing the scientific objective.
For opening in other related areas, please visit the following link from the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, NISER, Bhubaneswar: