Dear all,
LIGO-India is organising the second session of the "Gravitational Waves @ Home with LIGO-India" lecture series. This series of lectures covers a wide variety of topics related to gravitational wave astrophysics. The lectures are delivered by leading experts from various institutes, and are broadly aimed at college students. All lectures are online on youtube, and free for all to attend. Questions asked by the audience are relayed to speakers, who try to answer as many of them as possible.
The lectures are all available at . You can subscribe to the channel to get a notification when a live lecture starts. All twenty-one talks from the first series are also available at the same youtube channel.
The schedule of lectures is available here:…
Upcoming lectures are also announced at , and . If you have any queries, you can reach us through the same social media channels.
We look forward to e-meeting you!
The LIGO-India Education and Public Outreach Team