Ahmedabad University is a private research university set up in 2009 by the Ahmedabad Education Society (AES).  AES, founded in the 1930s, has set up many of the prestigious educational institutions in Ahmedabad including PRL, CEPT (the leading architecture institution in India today) and ATIRA (for textile research).  Its founders also set up IIM Ahmedabad, and interestingly AES also provided the land for the largest public university in Gujarat, namely, Gujarat University.  As a University we are committed to creating a centre of excellence in both research and teaching and seek to attract the best faculty and students for our undergraduate and graduate programmes.  In Physics we have initiated a BS (Honours) and a PhD programme in the last two years.
We are currently planning to expand the division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.  While we are open to hiring in any area we are particularly keen on hiring an experimentalist in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics or Observational Astronomy. If you are aware of any good candidates could you please encourage them to apply?  Besides carrying our research faculty would be expected to teach general physics courses including the laboratory courses, and courses in their area of expertise .    

Details of the of available faculty positions can be found under the School of Arts and Sciences at the following link

I would also like to add that Ahmedabad University gives startup grants of upto 25 lacs for incoming faculty to set up their laboratory, based on a proposal.

Please do share this with anyone who might be interested.  
The faculty of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences are listed at
and there are 3 more physicists in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Thank you and best regards
Raghu Rangarajan