We are pleased to attach the SkyNews April 2021 issue, along with our greetings and compliments. For the uninitiated, SkyNews is a free electronic newsletter for sky observers in India. It gives information about what can be observed in the night sky directly and through a small telescope. You are welcome to pass on this newsletter to anyone else who might be interested in such observations. If you are part of an amateur astronomy group that organises public star parties, do let us know.
We will be happy to announce your event in SkyNews.
We will require:
(1) Name of the organiser;
(2) Date and time of the event;
(3) Location of the event;
(4) Name and the number of the contact person;
(5) Charges, if any; and
(6) Highlights of the proposed programme.
SkyNews is also available online at https://skytonight.wordpress.com/skynews/