My second book, describing several original research results, is published by Springer Nature this week. It is titled "New Relativity in the Gravitational Universe: The theory of Cosmic Relativity and its experimental evidence" (Springer/Fundamental Theories of Physics). The contents call for a total revision of the physical basis of relativity and dynamics, supported amply and rigorously by several experimental results. Some relevant information (and the front matter) is available from the link

The book's preface states the defining premise, of recognizing the determining gravitational presence of our entire Universe. The encompassing consequences (results) are many and varied, ranging from the origin of inertia to the determining factor of the quantum degeneracy in quantum Hall effects. Many supporting experimental results constitute the robust strength of the work. The highlight is multiple experimental confirmations that the propagation of light is Galilean, refuting entirely Einstein’s light hypothesis. Other major results include the most precise and consistent treatment of relativistic time (already treated in my first book, Gravity’s Time), and a full physical understanding and proof of the elusive spin-statistics connection. A complete unified relativistic theory of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, which accounts for all filling factors and main experimental features of QHE from the single fact of the cosmic gravitational modification of quantum degeneracy in condensed matter systems,  solves the 40-year-old puzzle of the fractional QHE. The contents pages give a flavor of the wide range and scope of the cosmic gravitational paradigm of relativity. The theory of Cosmic Relativity addresses and solves all outstanding deep questions and puzzles in relativity and dynamics. This major treatise is a synthesizing completion of the works of Galileo, Newton, Mach, and Einstein.


Unnikrishnan. C. S.
TIFR, Mumbai &
School of Quantum Technologies, DIAT (DRDO), Pune