Dear colleagues,

We will make a call for new International Science Development Team (ISDT) membership soon, and associate with the call the TMT International Observatory and the TMT Science Advisory Committee will hold a webinar series starting from this December.

The first webinar is "Thirty Meter Telescope: project updates and call for the ISDT membership" with a 50 minute presentation describing the project status including site updates and a 10 min presentation from the SAC on the call for the ISDT membership.

Total time will be 1.5h including Q&A. The same webinar will be held at two times targeting different time zones of partner communities

-- December 20, Tuesday at 10:30 India / 13:00 China / 14:00 Japan (Monday, December 19, 21:00 NA Pacific / 24:00 NA East)
-- January 18, Wednesday at 14:00 NA Pacific / 17:00 NA East (Thursday, January 19, 3:30 India / 6:00 China / 7:00 Japan)

Join in either webinars at your convenience. In order to join the webinars, please visit the registration site

We will also record the webinars for those who are interested but cannot attend on time.

Robert Kirshner (TIO Executive Director)
Fengchuan Liu (TMT Project Manager)
Christophe Dumas (host, TMT Observatory Scientist)
Masayuki Akiyama (co-host, SAC, Tohoku Univ.)
Tommaso Treu (SAC, UCLA)
Yuko Kakazu (TMT Education and Outreach Scientist)
Leinani Lozi (TMT Hawaii Community Outreach Specialist)
and others!

The TMT SAC is planning to hold next webinars in early 2023 to introduce the TMT science capabilities and initiating the discussion in each ISDT for the update of the Detailed Science Case document. The dates for the webinars will be announced later.

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy in the difficult times.

TMT Science Advisory Committee