Dear Members,

Registration is now open for the Ninth edition of the Indo-French Astronomical School (IFAS9), hosted in Lyon on October 4-11, 2024.

Please visit for more information.

IFAS9 is the ninth edition of a series of schools co-organized by the University of Lyon (CRAL, CNRS UMR5574, LIO) and IUCAA in France and in Pune, India.

The IFAS9 school will bring together students from different horizons, expose them to high-level specialized lectures, and propose a six-days research project. The primary subject of the present school is IFU: 3D spectroscopy. The topics range from data-reduction techniques, data analysis and modelling. The school gives preference to doctoral students and to highly skilled and motivated master's students, without geographic restrictions.

Lectures and hands-on data reduction tutorials will be given during the morning sessions, and research projects will be proposed to the participants, in smaller groups supported by a tutor. The school will be concluded by a presentation of the results of these projects. Around 20 participants will be selected.