The abstract submission deadline is extended till 10 July for the "Public Engagement in Astronomy in the Pandemic Era" workshop, which will be held during 2-3 August. Revised poster is attached.

Last date for abstract submission: 10 July
Last date for registration: 25 July

As we enter the second year of the pandemic, the astronomy outreach community has had to innovate new ways of engaging with the public. Though webinars have proven popular, they do have their limitations. This workshop is for the outreach and education community in Astronomy and related fields to come together and discuss novel ways of connecting with students and the general public, both online and offline, during this pandemic.

This workshop is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Rathnasree Nandivada, who was constantly creating new ways of engaging with students.

Organised by: IIA, with HBCSE-TIFR and ASI-POEC

Attached File